SAFE iACT Modules
- Human Trafficking Around the Globe
- Normal and Abnormal Child Development
- Impact of Trauma on Victims of Human Trafficking
- Victim-Sensitive Interviewing in Human Trafficking
- Thinking Like a Human Trafficker: A Deeper Understanding
- The Role Of Healthcare Providers, First Responders, And Law Enforcement Agencies
- Understanding The Crime Of Human Trafficking
- Guidelines For Investigating Human Trafficking In The Community
- Addressing Post-Trafficking Needs of the Victim
- Teaching Skills and Presentation Styles

Benefits of SAFECHR Accreditation:
- Peer recognition
- Credentialing as a Training Provider on Human Trafficking
- Join a highly trained group of professionals in your field
- Keep abreast of the latest in literature and best practices
- Reduced cost of attendance at Conferences (Savings**)
- Join highly select and exclusive World Class Trainers
- Authenticity and Professional acceptance at venues/organizations
E-Learning Platform for Training:
Honorable Bakoko Bakoru Zoe, Survivor Trainer and Curriculum Development
Dr Kalyani Gopal, PhD, HSPP, 10 module researcher, Clinical Trainer and Curriculum Development
Dr. Sandra Demos-Kelley, EdD, LCSW, Professional Trainer and Curriculum Development
Dr Barbara Amaya, EdD: Survivor Trainer and Curriculum Development
The requirements to enroll in the MASTERS’ CLASS are:
1. A minimum of 5 years in the field of human trafficking
2. Experience as trainers in your own country
3. Willingness to apply cultural and linguistic sensitivities with the regions of training
4. Three point background check for safety for survivors
Classes are web-based and face to face in formats of:
1. 20 hours one of one (3 day weekend training) and 15 hours online with examination and observation of delivery of training
2. Online training with Q and A and web based learning methodology
$1750 per trainee to cover 4 PhD, EdD, LCSW level trainers travel, stay, and training, workbooks, e-learning platform, database maintenance, certification, and materials. Any profits are reinvested into sustainability, updated research and training, and development of the program.
If interested send email of interest and resume to safeconference@safechr.org; Attention Ashley.
10 Modules
Four trainers
Pre- and Post- knowledge Examination for each module
Two supervised sessions that need to be recorded
Three point Security background check required
iACT Modules Introduction