SAFECHR Sponsorship levels are for four programs and operational expenses to host the award winning programs.
Donations can be pledged, made monthly or yearly
These are:
Village Sponsorships: $125,000 – $25,000
Conference Sponsorships: $15,000-$1000
iACT Training Sponsorships: 10,000-$250
Amount: $100,000 or above
Tree of Life Logo nameplate on SAFE Village
Platinum plated brick with name on Cottage
Major Building/Large Road/Pathway named after Sponsor
Children’s Cottage Named after Sponsor
Photograph and name on Brochures and Printed Materials
10 full conference registrations
Selection of Cottage design
VIP Gala Seating at Events
Complimentary exhibitor booth
Full‐page/back page advertisement in conference and Gala program
Table of 10 VIP Special Seating at Educational Awards Luncheon with special Plaque
Five‐Minute presentation on your organization at Awards Lunch
Inclusion of company brochure or flyer in the conference folders
10 minutes Opening Ceremonies Keynote Speech
Placement of logo on all screens, advertisements, and billboards
Amount: $50,000 to $99,999
Platinum plated brick of honor on Cottage
Major Pathway/Common Room for SAFE Village named after Sponsor
Assembly Area named after Sponsor
Platinum sponsorship recognition in all SAFECHR and Gala materials and on website
Full‐page advertisement in conference and Gala program
10 full conference/gala registrations
Complimentary exhibitor booth
VIP Gala Seating at Events
Table of 10 VIP Special Seating at Awards Luncheon with special Plaque
Three‐Minute presentation on your organization and your contribution at Awards Lunch
Inclusion of company brochure or flyer in the conference folders
Five minutes Opening Ceremonies/Awards Luncheon Keynote Speech
Placement of logo on all screens, advertisements, and billboards
Amount: $25,000‐49,999
Acknowledgment as gold sponsor in all SAFECHR materials and on website
Tree of Life Recognition
Safe House Road named after Sponsor
Gold Plated Brick of honor
Full‐page advertisement in conference and Gala program
Table of 6 VIP Special Seating at Awards Luncheon with special Plaque
6 Full Conference/Gala registrations
Public acknowledgement in media campaign
Complimentary Full size exhibitor booth
Table of five VIP Special Seating at Awards
3 Minute Opening Ceremonies/Awards Keynote Speaker
Placement of logo on all screens, advertisements, and billboards
5-minute Keynote Speech at Awards Ceremony
Amount: $15,000‐24,999
Recognition as silver sponsor in all SAFECHR materials and on website
Silver Plated Brick of honor on all SAFE Villages
Full‐page advertisement in the conference/training/awards program
4 Special VIP Seating at Awards Ceremony with special Plaque
Four full Global conference registrations
Complimentary dissemination of flyers or other brochures on Take One Tables
Public acknowledgement in media campaign
5-minute Opening Ceremonies/Awards Keynote Speaker
Placement of logo on all screens, advertisements, and billboards
Amount: $10,000 – 14,999/
Recognition in SAFECHR materials and website
Bronze plated Brick of Honor on SAFE Village
Three full Global conference/gala registrations
Full‐page advertisement in SAFECHR programs
Complimentary dissemination of flyer or brochure on Take One Tables
3-minute Opening Ceremonies/Awards Keynote Speaker
Amount: $5000 – 9,999/
Recognition in conference materials and website
Copper plated Brick of Honor on SAFE Village
Recognition on SAFE House Giving Tree
Two full conference/gala registrations
Quarter‐page advertisement in conference program
10-minute Closing Ceremonies Guest Speaker
Amount: $2,500 – 4,999
Preferred Seating and special Mention at the Awards Luncheon
Recognition as rescuer in all conference materials and on website
Complimentary dissemination of flyer or brochure on Take One Tables
Advocate Name and recognition on the SAFE House Giving Tree Free
One Free Conference or GALA Ticket
5-minute closing ceremonies conference speaker
Amount: $1000 – 2,499
Preferred Seating and special Mention at the Awards Luncheon
Recognition as an Encourager in all conference materials and website
Encourager Name and recognition on the SAFE House Giving Tree
One free conference/gala ticket
Free booth for sponsorship
Amount: $100 – $999
Mention at the Awards Luncheon
Recognition in all conference materials and website
Free booth for sponsorship
Greater than $500 – One free awards/conference ticket
*Sponsoring $800.00 will go towards travel, food and lodging expenses for an Expert against human trafficking to train professional