About 2024 United World Day Against Trafficking in Persons


SAFE Coalition for Human Rights earned the prestigious United Nations Economic and Social Council Special Status Accreditation in 2021. Since then, we have hosted the once a year UN World Day; a packed event in Merrillville, Indiana. This year, we bring to you experts from around the globe to speak about how we can transform and create a bridge from adversity to resilience for those with traumatic life experiences and keep our cities and communities safe for our families.

Indiana has an estimated 12,300 victims of human trafficking yet barely 176 receive desperately needed services according to the Safe House Project 2023 report. Indiana ranks an “F” in the Shared Hope International report for identifying and providing services to child victims (https://reportcards.sharedhope.org).

Today, we invite you to invest in our work and support our initiatives. Your gift of giving will fuel the transformative impact of positive holistic therapeutic change for marginalized women for tomorrow. A wise man once said, “In social policy, when we provide a safety net, it should be designed to help people take more entrepreneurial risks, not to turn them into dependents.”  Nicholas Talub. Our goal is to move women and children from poverty and helplessness to self-reliance and hope.

If you can attend, we would LOVE to meet you!! Registration is below.


SAFE Coalition for Human Rights (SAFECHR) was born when a group of sex trafficking survivors felt unheard during a busy psychological association convention in Schaumburg, Illinois in 2013. The next year, after trying hard to get a fiscal sponsor we began feeling labor trafficked and started out on our own to create SAFECHR, championing survivor voices as central to our existence. To date (June 2024), we have provided direct training for 168,580 individuals in 73 countries; reached out to masses via radio, television, and social media, and trained 72 survivors of violent crimes as Survivor Mentors thanks to generous grants from SAMHSA and the Legacy Foundation.

The Program

This year’s United Nations program is truly one of a kind! After registering at the REGISTRATION TABLE at the entrance of the main hall, registrants are escorted to the dinner and silent auction where we ask all to bid for supporting therapies, food, clothing, and housing services for Survivors at Ashley’s House.

4-5:30 PM: Registration (Doors open for early entrance at 4 PM)

5:30 PM: Dinner and silent auction

6:15 PM: Opening Ceremonies

6:30 PM: Panel I Around the World of Agencies: Activating Connections.

7 PM: Guests of Honor Address, Silent Auction Ends

7:15 PM Panel II Breaking Silos: Law Enforcement Safer Communities

7:45 PM: Skit by Ashley’s House Team: Silent Auction Winners

8 PM: Live Auction; From participant to active responder

8:15 PM: Thank you SPONSORS, closing ceremonies, Desserts and Awards


Sponsorships provide desperately needed funds for homeless women and their highly vulnerable children at Ashley’s House. By hosting this critical event SAFECHR Events Committee and Board hopes to save numerous lives destroyed by evildoers over the internet and social media. Each day, we receive 4-5 calls pleading for help, resources and a safe place to stay. Ashley’s house is not big enough to take all but we can provide emergency overnight shelter when needed. All of this help is provided free of charge and we do not take a dime. So, please sponsor this event if you feel it is a worthy cause.


9 PM: End of Day.

REGISTRATION: https://safechr.org/safe-event


SPONSORSHIPS: Drgopal@safechr.org 219-513-8508 (queries)| drdharla@safechr.org | Ashfrederick@safechr.org 219-736-1000.

Contacts for Event Committee:

Dr Kalyani Gopal, Program (Drgopal@safechr.org 219-513-8508)

Judy Katz: Speakers and Community Leaders

Professor Rami Maximus – Law Enforcement, sales

Dr Vijaikumar Dharla – Registrations, sales

Mrs. Shenaz Keshvani – Auction Items, Food

Renee Connelly – Sponsorships and Auction Items

Dr (Prof.) Alex Rasin – Donations, sales

Padmini Makam: Day of Event Decor

Dr Subir & Soumita Bandyopadhyay: Registration Table

Interns: Mahi Patel, and Rhea Bhatia


UN World Day July 30, 2024 Registration Form
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Registration Options

Price: $30.00
NOTE: If you are registering a guest, STOP--Do not make any selections here, go to Discounted 2-Person Registration below.

2-Person Registration

Discounted 2-Person Registration
Price: $50.00
If you are registering a Guest, please select 1 from dropdown and continue.

Well-wisher Sponsor

Well-wisher Sponsor
Price: $50.00

Event Sponsor

Event Sponsor
Price: $500.00

Ashley's House Survivor Fund Sponsor

Ashley's House Survivor Fund Sponsor
Price: $1,000.00

Sponsor Details

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